The School of Women and Gender Studies and Family Life Network are organizing a dissemination workshop for the Building A New Generation (BANG) program under the Rebuilding the Moral Infrastructure of the Youth in Uganda project. The hybrid project of Research done by a team of Makerere University Researchers and the Innovation of BANG program led by the partner organization Family Life Network (FLN) was funded by the Government of Uganda through Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF1 multi- year).
Date and Time: March 22, 2023 from 2:00 to 5:00PM EAT.
About BANG
The BANG program has been involved in sensitization talks, moral values and character training sessions, peer counseling and mentorship, formation of the BANG clubs in Universities and Secondary Schools, and training the Club Leaders, formation and training dance and drama groups. The major purpose of BANG Club is to create a cadre of young people sensitized and empowered to acquire values, morals, character and life skills such as self-control, honesty, financial literacy, hard work, integrity, patriotism, positive attitude and mindset towards life, personal and social responsibility.
The purpose of this activity is therefore to showcase what BANG has been doing in different Universities and provide a platform for the BANG Clubs members to share their experiences through personal testimonies.