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The “Lea affair” and the Asian citizenship crisis

Department of History, Archaeology and Heritage Studies special seminar on 'The “Lea affair” and the Asian citizenship crisis: registering and documenting Uganda Asians (1968-1972)', Presenter: Dr. Sandrine Perrot, Moderator: Dr. Edgar Taylor, 12th February 2025 from 3:00 to 5:00 PM EAT, The CHUSS Smart Room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa and Online.
Event Type Workshop/Seminar
Nature of Event Hybrid (Physical & Virtual)
Audience General Public
Event Details

The Department of History, Archaeology and Heritage Studies invites you to a special seminar on

'The “Lea affair” and the Asian citizenship crisis: registering and documenting Uganda Asians (1968-1972)'

Date and Time: Wednesday 12th February 2025 from 3:00 to 5:00 PM EAT.

Presenter: Dr. Sandrine Perrot, CERI (Center for International Studies), Sciences Po, France.

Moderator: Dr. Edgar Taylor, Department of History, Archaeology and Heritage Studies, Makerere University and Visiting Fellow, Kellogg Institute for International Studies,  University of Notre Dame, U.S.

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Meeting ID: 850 7894 5346
Passcode: 112252