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Towards Malaria Elimination in Uganda: Accuracy of Malaria RDTs and HMIS Data

Medical Illustration Art at the College of Health Sciences, Mulago Campus, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Event Type Research Dissemination
Nature of Event Hybrid (Physical & Virtual)
Audience General Public
Unit CHS
Event Details

According to WHO, Uganda has the world's highest malaria incidence rate of 478 cases per 1,000 people per year. Malaria is also the leading cause of sickness and death in Uganda and is responsible for up to 40% of all outpatient visits, 25% of hospital admissions and 14% of all hospital deaths. On the whole, malaria is the 3rd leading cause of death in Uganda especially among children under 5 years, and pregnant women.

The Child Health and Development Centre (CHDC) at Makerere University has been conducting a study in 16 public health facilities across Busoga and Lango sub-regions. The study is dubbed MaCRA (Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Test Capture and Reporting Assessment)

The MaCRA study examined the accuracy of malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) and their reporting within Uganda’s National Health Management Information System (HMIS).


Some of the findings reveal that while there’s a high level of accuracy during Rapid Diagnostic Testing (RDTs), contextual challenges relating to staffing norms, training, onboarding and supervision of healthcare workers, and availability of supplies at health facilities affected the accuracy of reporting of malaria RDT results.

Child Health and Development Centre (CHDC) will conduct a dissemination meeting for the (MaCRA) Study to share more of these findings. This meeting aims to share the study’s findings and discuss their implications for malaria control policies in Uganda. With the theme "Towards Malaria Elimination in Uganda: Accuracy of Malaria RDTs and HMIS Data," the event will bring together key stakeholders to foster impactful discussions and strategies.

This event will take place on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, from 8 am to 2 pm at Fairway Hotel, Kampala.

Physical attendance is by Invitation. However, you can join the discussion virtually on Zoom using the details below:

Meeting ID: 910 2790 7540
Passcode: 856044

For more information, please contact Dr. Nelson Ssewante at