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PhD Defence: Mr. Kigozi Moses

A young man picks up plastics from a water channel along Northern bypass in Kampala Uganda, East Africa. Due to poor solid waste management, with a collection of garbage and dumped plastic bottles collects in water channels and sometimes leading to floods. Photo by Davidson Ndyabahika.
Event Type PhD Defence
Nature of Event Physical
Audience General Public
Event Details

The Dean, School of Physical Sciences, College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS) invites you to the Public PhD Defence of the following candidate:

Name: Mr. Kigozi Moses

Thesis Title: “Conversion of selected plastic waste into carbon nanomaterials for application in the absorption of carbon dioxide and energy storage."

Date and Time: Tuesday 12th March, 2024 at 10:00AM EAT


  1. Dr. Emmanuel Tebandeke - Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences, Makerere University
  2. Dr. Gabriel N Kasozi - Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences, Makerere University

See below for the Abstract.

File Attachment
PhD Abstract (9.69 KB)