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PhD Defence: Ms. Agnes Baluka Masajja

Makerere University Ladies Football Team (She-Mak) Captain Josephine Ndagire (2nd Right) with match officials and opposing team captain ahead of kick-off for one of their encounters, Kampala Uganda, East Africa. Photo: Twitter/@Women_Mak
Event Type PhD Defence
Nature of Event Physical
Audience General Public
Event Details

The Dean, School of Women and Gender Studies, invites you to the PhD Defense of the following Candidate

Name: Ms. Agnes Baluka Masajja

Thesis Title: “Interrogating the Influence of Gender Dynamics on Women’s Participation in Sports Leadership: A Case of Sports Organisations in Uganda."

Date and Time: Monday 11th December, 2023 starting 9:00 AM EAT.


  1. Dr. Ruth Nsibirano
  2. Dr. Annet Nankwanga

Opponent: Prof. Edwin Kadima Wamukoya

File Attachment
PhD Abstract (187.1 KB)