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DETA Conference 2023

DETA Conference 2023, Theme: A paradigm shift towards innovative, resilient and transformative teacher education, 24th - 27th July 2023, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda and Online.
Event Type Conference/Symposium
Nature of Event Hybrid (Physical & Virtual)
Audience General Public
Event Details

The Distance Education and Teachers' Training in Africa (DETA) Conference is an Africa-specific biennial conference initiated by the University of Pretoria in South Africa in 2005. The conference was borne out of the necessity to create a unique platform for all faculties of education to share knowledge and deliberate on educational issues as they affect Africa. DETA’s major objectives are to contribute to the debate on teacher training in Africa and to build capacity for the delivery of teacher training programmes in Africa.

The DETA 2023 conference will be hosted by the University of Pretoria and Saide in conjunction with Makerere University and Busitema University, Uganda.

Theme: A paradigm shift towards innovative, resilient and transformative teacher education.

Date: 24th - 27th July 2023.

Keynote Speakers:

  • Prof. Asha Kanwar, CEO, Commonwealth of Learning, Burnaby, Canada.
  • Prof. Elifas Tozo Bisanda, Vice Chancellor, Open University of Tanzania.
  • Prof. Eunice Nyamupangedengu, Associate Professor in Science Education, The University of the Witwatersrand (Wits).
  • Dr. Betty Akullu Ezati, Chair Task Force, Uganda National Institute of Teacher Education

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Event Poster (360.93 KB)