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Comprehensive TB Management Course

Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI)-IDI-WWN Interim TB Program Report, Staff in the Laboratory.
Event Type Training/Class
Nature of Event Online/Virtual
Audience General Public
Unit CHS
Event Details

The Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI), Makerere University is holding an Online Comprehensive Tuberculosis (TB) Management Course tailored for frontline healthcare workers.

Key Information

Course Duration: 4 weeks
Delivery Mode: Blended
Eligibility: All health workers or TB clinic staff
Course Availability: Upcoming (3rd - 28th September 2024)
Course fee: UGX 800,000, USD 215


Ending the tuberculosis (TB) epidemic requires speedy adoption and implementation of the World Health Organization (WHO) End TB Strategy. Pillars 1 and 2 of this strategy focus on early detection, treatment and prevention for all forms of TB and engagement of all care providers (public and private) in the delivery of tuberculosis care.

The International Standards for Tuberculosis Care describe a widely accepted level of care that all healthcare providers should achieve in managing patients who have or are suspected of having tuberculosis. Adherence to these standards facilitates the delivery of quality care for patients of all ages and the engagement of all healthcare providers, public and private, in the delivery of TB services. The Comprehensive TB Management course has been drafted in line with the WHO international standards of TB care (ISTC) and the Uganda national guidelines.

The course aims at building the capacity of frontline healthcare workers to screen and identify presumptive cases of TB, carry out a comprehensive clinical evaluation, have the confidence to make a diagnosis of TB, initiate treatment and participate in infection control activities at their respective health facilities and in the community.


This is a session course with illustrative PowerPoint sessions, videos, live tutorials and discussions.

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